Marko Joensuu is a former journalist who has worked for the last nineteen years with the media and publishing ministries of Kensington Temple, a large, multi-ethnic congregation in London. Over the last few years his special focus has been media mission. He is married to Daniella and they have a son, Joshua.
Marko graduated from the University of Tampere in Finland in 1995 with a Master's degree in Social Sciences. Currently, he is doing his doctoral research in journalism at the University of Tampere. He is a member of The Society of Authors. He also runs Joensuu Media Ltd, a media and publishing company.
Marko has written Understanding Revelation, Supernatural Love: Releasing the Compassion of Jesus Through the Gifts of the Spirit, Five Movements: Winning the Battle for Your Prophetic Gift, Cloud 913 and co-authored The Red Scorpion: A True Russian Mafia Story. His books have been published in five languages.

John Starr has pastored churches in the south and north of England and ministered interdenominationally in many countries. He is a teacher and trainer who passionately believes in equipping the saints for the supernatural priesthood and prophethood of all believers. He is sought after as a mentor to embryonic and practising church leaders.
He is married to Lynette and together they rejoice in three daughters
and six grandchildren.
and six grandchildren.
John Starr has written Facing the Future and The Most Compelling Adventure.

David Muyiwa Adeola is a prophetic teacher with the passion to equip the Church to bring national and global transformation through prayer and intercession. He travels extensively around the world to teach the principles of prayer and prophecy.
David and his wife Adekunbi Adeola are the founder of The Father’s Blessing, a charity that helps orphans around the world. They live in London, UK.
David is the author of The Gatekeeper: Bringing a Revolution and Mind-shift to Your Personal Prayer Life and Prayer Movements in the Nations and Marketplace Gatekeepers: Dominion over Domains.

Rami Kivisalo, a former gangster, found Christ in prison.
His memoirs, Gangsterin Testamentti, were published in his native Finland in 2008. Rami's story has been covered extensively by Finnish mainstream and Christian media.
Rami tells his story in The Red Scorpion: A True Russian Mafia Story, co-authored with Marko Joensuu.