The title page of of 'Fyra gudelighe pestilentz böner' (1630) written by Johan Iheringius. The original is kept at the Kungliga biblioteket in Stockholm.
Iheringius is an independent European publishing imprint. It gets its name from Joachimus Iheringius (died 18th July 1657). Joachim was a Swedish priest and the bishop of Estonia in the Swedish Lutheran Church from 1639 until his death.
Joachim commissioned the first translation of the Bible into Estonian. Also, he fought for the rights of the peasants that had to work for seven days a week and got only one or two days off each year, and he started many schools in Estonia.
Joachim was born in Germany. His father, Robert Iheringius moved from Germany to Sweden to run some of the Swedish king's mines.
Joachim studied in the university of Wittenberg where he graduated from as Master of Philosophy. He became a priest in 1615. Joachim is one of the ancestors of Marko Joensuu who launched Iheringius in 2012 in memory of the Reformation.